Junior State Criterium Championship Race Report
Junior 13/14's
Pre-Race: In the morning I ate a bowl of Oat Bran and had some toast. At the race I ate a Snickers bar. Then I drank a bottle of water, finished up my warm-up and headed to the start.
Race: I started it with a bang and a boom. Before I knew it I had a huge gap (the biggest gap that anybody would get in this race.) Then next second everybody had caught me. I lasted almost a whole lap. After I got caught I just sat in for the rest of the race and let everybody else chase the attacks. Out of maybe 10-20 attacks that happened in our 15 lap race I would say Team Swift did almost all of them. Bobby T was really active and attacked a couple times, his attacks were the best. Last lap my lungs were BURNING (maybe from being sick?) and I knew that my best shot was sitting on a wheel and just killing myself. So I hopped on Stanley's wheel and on the finishing straight he pulled me into fifth and I didn't let anybody take that from me.
Post Race: I rolled out again and sat down (I was really tired.) Then I got some team photos taken and I got on the podium. The podium was 6 deep but Robbie didn't know that so it only showed it going down 5 deep. Then I shared my prizes with Bobby T for the work he did in this race.
Junior 4/5's
Pre-Race: I relaxed and rode around a little bit with Robbie (who did amazing in this race.)
Race: This race started fast and stayed fast. Halfway through the race they put up lap cards (it was a 40min race, and they put up 12 laps to go.) At 7 laps to go I got dropped and at 1 lap to go I was lapped. I got 11th out of 20ish riders.
Post Race: Watched Robbie get on the podium and went home. Thanks Robbie for sharing you prizes and Mr. Farrens for driving me home.
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